When I was married the first time, my mother-in-law didn’t like me or want to get to know me. When we were alone in a room, she didn’t look at me or speak to me. It bothered me a lot until I realized it wasn’t about me.
It was not about me
Her reaction was not personally directed at me, not in the least. She would have reacted that way to any woman who married her son.
It’s the same in business
In business we say “it’s not personal; it’s business” and we mean it. We mean that if anyone had suggested that same (weak) plan, had given that same (sloppy) presentation, had hogged the floor during the meeting, they would have gotten the same bad reaction from the boss or the client. You might not think your plan was weak or your presentation sloppy, but if it was, you got a reaction from the boss or the client that was not personal, not in the least. It was business.
Does that help? Does it help to know it wasn’t about you? Please click “comment” and let me know.
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Hi Toronto! I appreciate your comment. Thinking is what we’re here for… and loving… and serving…
I was grateful to the mother-in-law for what she showed me. My attitude at work and helping my teammates “not take it personally” improved the very next day.