Words and labels have power over us. Everywhere we read about overcoming fear. People take quizzes to see if it’s fear of failure or fear of success they suffer from.
What If It’s Not Fear At All?
What if it’s not fear? What if you’re not anxious, not even nervous, about the big opportunity or the big sale? What if you are merely cautious?
It’s OK to Have a Doubt
What if you simply have doubts? Do we even remember – in these days of “fear of failure” – what it feels like to have an honest doubt? A doubt that we could take time to examine.
What If…?
What if you simply doubt that you’re ready for the major presentation? Doubt that you have the information you need to go ahead with the meeting? Put like that, could it be that doubt is alerting you that you have more work to do? Maybe your doubt is alerting you that you’re short of information and about to get caught with your pants down.
I Like Friends Who Alert Me To Danger
Doubt is a good thing. By discovering more information and making better plans we “put our doubts to rest”. That’s a good thing. Examine your doubt and start to fill in what’s lacking.
Don’t Stay There Too Long
Don’t take forever getting the missing information and making a better plan. Taking too long is going to kill your forward motion and drain the energy right out of you. Take just long enough to “put your doubts to rest.”
Here’s The Plan
When you’re tempted to read another article about “fear of …”, spend the time instead examining whether you have doubts about the data, the objective, the plan, the people involved. Pinpoint whether something is in doubt, and exactly what about it is in doubt.
You’re Not Afraid
Maybe your plan, not your ability, was in doubt. It’s not your ability that’s in doubt, and you’re not afraid. Your plan’s just weak. How shall you make your plan stronger?
I hope this new idea gives you insight. Please click “comment” and describe where you might use it to beat out the fears you thought you had.
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