There have been glitches on this website that I have to fix. I don’t want to know how to fix it; I just want it to work. But I also want to know how to fix it; you know what I mean? But what I’m trying isn’t working.
A Step to Mastery
I just read a little blurb about failure. It suggested I re-label my failure (I’m all about re-labeling) as a “step to mastery”. I like it. I know we’ve heard it before, that Edison said after 1,800 failed attempts at finding a working light bulb filament, “how do I feel about it? I tell myself that’s 1,800 things I don’t have to try again.” But it never got through to me until now.
Just Stay Curious
Borrowing from Edison, pushing on after something doesn’t work is all about staying curious. It seems to me now that there’s little about disappointment or adverse circumstances that a living, breathing, I’ll-keep-on-and-see-what-I-can-find-out curiosity can’t overcome.
Next time I’m fixing this website, I’m going to stay curious about finding out the next step. I’ll keep saying to myself “Ah, another step to mastery. Just another step I won’t have to try again.”
What do you say to yourself to keep going?
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